Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Flu

What I'm Reading: Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett

So, I've managed to pull my aching body over to the computer long enough to write a quick entry. I've had the stomach flu for the past 24 hours...and it is kicking my butt! I am generally blessed not to get sick when the kids do, but this one got me, and has left me pretty much incapacitated! But, it's another day, and I do feel a lot better than yesterday. Super Spouse once again donned his cape and played Soccer mom for me yesterday, while Squash and I lay prostrate on the floor, moaning in pain. Poor Squash had the back luck of getting sick at the same time as me, so neither of us could take care of the other. There was however the solace of misery loving company, so it wasn't to bad.

On the literary front, I am reading Pillars of the Earth, as a fore mentioned, and really, while it is spellbinding, I have to say I don't like it. It's quite vulgar, written by a man, so of course all the women are sexed up and throwing their selves at the men in the book, or they are getting raped left and right. I know, it's time period is in the 1100's but still, it's so coarse! But, have I closed it with disgust? No, I am 700 give or take pages into it, and determined to finish it. However, I have decided not to read the sequel, Worlds without End. And technically, I could say that reading the book made me sick, so sick that I puked, but that wouldn't be completely honest, since it was a flu bug that got me! So, it's not one that I would recommend.
Also, I read 16 Sandpiper Way in about 3 minutes. Entertaining but not much to chew on literary wise. There are 8 books in that series, and I don't know that I'll read any others there either.

Well, that's all I have time for right now. Sprite has decided to return to school, after having me come and get her claiming to be sick. I guess being home wasn't all she thought it would be.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


What I'm reading: Finished Middlemarch...still ruminating on that!

Well, 800 and some odd pages later, I am pleased to say that I have finished Middlemarch! Since hind sight is 20/20 I do have to admit, it is probably one of the best books I've ever read. Seriously. I know, who'd of thunk? Not me, as it took almost 200 pages to really get into it, but it was so beautiful. So full of philosophy, that it has left me thinking ever since I finished the last page. It's one of those books that you actually stop and highlight or mark a clever phrase in it. And besides, it is quite an insight into marriage, which is really interesting considering the author was only married for under a year before she died. The bouncing around from various groups of characters was at first annoying, but in the long run, it did keep hour attention. Also, it was brilliant the way all the characters were ultimately tied together, some without really even knowing the others in the book. And, the she was really something else. Talk about one classy lady! Not to mention the fact that it had romance woven all the way through it, which I adored. So, as I said before, it proved to be one of the best books, although a bit slow at first, that I have ever read. Up next, possibly something by Ken Follett, I hear he's pretty good. Besides, it's probably a good idea for me to come back to my own time period!

Now, as to my book- oh it's still there, and coming along. I am editing it, AGAIN, this is like the 4th time, but perfection doesn't usually come on the first try right? Well, as Winnie the Pooh said, "I have a rumbly in my tumbly." Tata!


'May the road rise to greet you, and may the wind always be at your back.'
Enjoy your time in my corner, please feel free to comment and tell me what you think. Besides, I'm nosy and that way I'll know you've been here! ;)