Thursday, October 30, 2008

Great Aunts and Irish Bands

So, it's been ages, but since I am the only avid follower of this thing, I suppose it doesn't really matter! As the title reveals, we had a visit from my great Aunt, who is well into her 80's, and I must say, a wonderfully charming lady. She is a retired librarian, so as you can imagine, topics were not scarce between us. She had dinner at our house with us, and she and I talked and talked. Ma and Pa scurried her off home, and at about the time I was closing the front door, it occured to me that I had just met my future self in my 80's, no wonder I liked her so well! Super Spouse is always teasing me that I get on better with the elderly, which is probably true, so he just loved this moment. Apparently I am an 80ish old lady trapped in a mid 30's body. Go figure. (don't worry, the body is doing it's darnedest to get to 80 faster than I'd like)

On the reading front, I just finished off 3 more Maeve Binchy books, quite addicting those, and I've started, then stopped, then started Austen's Sense & Sensibility. I really do love Binchy, although, since her books tend to be so full of life, even the icky parts, they tend to get me down. The upside is, it's like being able to slip over to Ireland at any given moment, which if you know me at all, is truly a dream come true. So, I think I'll put Binchy aside for a bit, fatten myself up on some flowery Austen, and then get back to the business of writing. One I seem to have totally neglected. Hear one, hear all, I do solemnly swear to begin again. Since the laptop crash book one really needs to be repaired, and patched up, as so much was lost, and you know what they say...there is no time like the present! The wind went out of my sails as I watched a year of work wither away, got me down, but I'm up now so why put it off right? Right. I wonder, as I get the book back into shape, would it be a grand idea to put bits of it here? Hmmmm, have to think that one over a bit. I was awfully secretive with it, only a select few have been allowed to read it, but now I find I really don't care. At first I thought it only confirmed that I was indeed a raving lunatic, but now, I learn it actually happens to other people-stories playing on in their heads that is. So, anyway, I'm more comfy in my new skin, so to speak!

The animals in the Zoo are wonderful. All reved up for Halloween. The excitement gets a bit contagious. Super Spouse & I got to go to a NBA game last night with Pine Nut & Angel, which was fun. But as usual, I enjoyed the people watching far more than the game. Apparently it's catching, this people watching, even Super Spouse got in on the action! He leaned over and said, 'So do you think that couple is married, or just flirting like mad? There not sitting with each other, and the little girl with the man, I'll bet she is telling him she's going to tell mom.' I had to laugh, as that's just the thing I'd have said. People are the best subjects to study, next to music & nature they are the best muse's.

Speaking of Super Spouse, he rode in on his white stallion and presented me with the latest Snow Patrol album the other day, which was quickly added to my Ipod and has been playing ever since. It's wonderful. Truly. There's music, and then there's music that beats in tune with your own heart beat, and this is that for me. Lightbody's (lead singer) voice once again wraps it's self around you, carrying you away into the music. So really, you should give it a listen. My fav tracks are 'Crack the Shutters' and 'If there's a rocket Tie Me To It'. Overall, it's a great album with so much depth. Oh, and did I mention, they're an Irish band? No, well they are, so that makes it perfect, lol. The Irish have a way with music and story telling. So, go give it a listen!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I totally agree with the fact that you need to start writing agian! I need to know what happens next. As far as the CD goes, I can totally picture you listening and dancing to it like Jan off of The Office. Ha!Ha! I need to listen to them since you say they're so great.


'May the road rise to greet you, and may the wind always be at your back.'
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